
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

what does a 15 month old with cheeks full of cheetos look like???


Dona said...

Yea! I found your blogspot. So now I will add you to my list. Is that ok?

Nicki W. said...

love my little betsy bryan!

nicolepage said...

So fun to find your blog! What a little cutie pie you have :)

Adrielle said...

MIMI!!! She's adorable!! Also, I need to let you know that you've been tagged. You need to go to my blog and get instructions on what to do next!! It'll make more sense when you get there! Glad I found ya!

kinsey said...

i found you!! i'm so excited to get to see betsy grace pictures all the time now. i miss you friend! we need to visit. please email me...i always get your email wrong. love you! -kinsey

walkers said...

what a punkin! saw your blog on adrielle's, and you defintely write like you talk- precious! adrianna

Nicki W. said...

we want more posts!! more betsy bryan! miss you, friend!