
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

spaggetti attack!!!


Kimberly said...

oh my goodness! she is so cute! i can't believe we haven't seen you guys around in months.

love the new pics,

Emily K. said...

She is so cute! Thank you for looking at my blog! I'm not great at keeping it up, but it's fun to get back in touch with everyone. Congratulations to y'all also! I hope you are doing great, and I loved reading your blog and getting caught up on your life and your precious little Betsy Grace.

kinsey said...

she's the cutest!

Jana said...

did she get any in her mouth??? so cute!

Ashley said...

Too cute! Avery still won't eat spaghetti so I missed out on the messy picture!

S, J, B, & S said...

Love her!! And I am dying to take her picture ... when can we do it?!?

kinsey said...

are we ever going to hear what the baby in your belly is?!?! i'm dying to know!

kinsey said...

are we ever going to hear what the baby in your belly is?!?! i'm dying to know!