if you look very closely at the picture below you will see tiny betsy bug asleep in... (drum roll please) her big girl bed. yesterday, she took a two and a half hour nap in it so we decided to try it out for bedtime. bryan put her down around 8... then came into the den. shortly after he came back, a shadow of a two year old appeared dragging her beloved "teddy". we both jumped up and bryan headed down the hall to put her back into her big bed. a few minutes later i was summoned to the room to help with the mission. i am happy to report that she went back to sleep fairly easily. then......... (cue sad music) at around one in the morning i hear tiny feet and then "MOM-EEE" i spring out of bed (as much as i can pregnant) grab betsy grace, i am so confused as to what time it is, then put her in bed with us just in time to notice the clock reading 1:08 AM. yikes, now what??? i have to admit i wasn't prepared for this! so, after some water, we head back down the hall to her room. after another hour and a half of sleeping on and off and on and off... betsy grace ended up happily back in her crib. HERE'S WHERE YOU COME IN... i need any advice you guys have on the transition from crib to big bed. i really need to get her sleeping well in the big bed before the start of august. any advice will be appreciated! i know, i know, wait until they're ready... i just need her to be ready sooner than later! a bunch of my friends say their kids never thought of getting out of bed. mine must be a little more bold. so, come on comments, let me know what you think. thanks, m
Saturday, May 10, 2008
tales of a bug in a big girl bed...
if you look very closely at the picture below you will see tiny betsy bug asleep in... (drum roll please) her big girl bed. yesterday, she took a two and a half hour nap in it so we decided to try it out for bedtime. bryan put her down around 8... then came into the den. shortly after he came back, a shadow of a two year old appeared dragging her beloved "teddy". we both jumped up and bryan headed down the hall to put her back into her big bed. a few minutes later i was summoned to the room to help with the mission. i am happy to report that she went back to sleep fairly easily. then......... (cue sad music) at around one in the morning i hear tiny feet and then "MOM-EEE" i spring out of bed (as much as i can pregnant) grab betsy grace, i am so confused as to what time it is, then put her in bed with us just in time to notice the clock reading 1:08 AM. yikes, now what??? i have to admit i wasn't prepared for this! so, after some water, we head back down the hall to her room. after another hour and a half of sleeping on and off and on and off... betsy grace ended up happily back in her crib. HERE'S WHERE YOU COME IN... i need any advice you guys have on the transition from crib to big bed. i really need to get her sleeping well in the big bed before the start of august. any advice will be appreciated! i know, i know, wait until they're ready... i just need her to be ready sooner than later! a bunch of my friends say their kids never thought of getting out of bed. mine must be a little more bold. so, come on comments, let me know what you think. thanks, m
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I still try to get in bed with my parents at twenty six. Sad.
I would say just be very consistent, make sure she knows she is not to get out,and if she does there will be consequences.
What a rough night. God bless you. Some may think this strange, but Madelyn slept in her crib till she was a little over 3. We had her twin bed in the same room for a while, then one day, she just said she wanted to sleep there, and has stayed there ever since. So we had two little ones in cribs at the same time. (Jillian's was a porta-crib - not a pack-n-play, just a smaller version of a regular crib) So waiting till they are ready does help. One thing I do suggest is not to start another habit, while teaching her to stay in her bed. Then you'll have to break that before the new baby comes! Isn't consistency fun? :) Hang in there!
I agree with your comment that says wait until they are ready. If she will stay in her crib without climbing out, I would try keeping her there. We jumped too fast on Z and are still having company in our bed to this day. I will keep my little one in his crib until he refuses to sleep in it. :)
My Luke was 2 when he had to move to a big boy bed. (we moved countries and left the crib) He kept waking up in the middle of the night and wandering around the house to finally find himself standing at the foot of our bed in shock.
My husb. and I took turns for only one week, EVERY night sleeping on the floor in the hallway in the doorway of his room. We simply said "go back to bed sweety" and we helped him back to bed quickly (so as not to wake him up further) and He has never needed "re-training". He now gets up and goes to the "potty" alone in the middle of the night and finds his way back to his bed all on his own at the super young age of bearly 3. We do watch to be sure he is ok. But he rarely needs intervention, except for an ocassional Help with his "unders".
Good luck or shall I say "blessing" on you task. It will surely come.
What does Barry always say?
God is Never late. He is also rarely early.
PS> you looked GREAT the other day when I saw you. I haven't seen you in a while.!!
Mimi, Hey it's Kelly McCarver. I totally understand this situation. Hannah was 22mos almost 23 mos when we put her in her "toddler bed" Caleb was already at home and was 1month old...I thought it's time. We have a little toddler bed that uses the same mattress as a crib...for us I just decided one day..today is the day. I was dreading it, but thought I just have to do it. So we talked it up and said look...baby brother needs this bed when he gets a little bigger so it's time to share now. She was ok with that...but we put one of those child proof things on her door so she couldn't come out of her room. We have a monitor STILL in her room...she would get up sometimes, but she knew she had to stay in her room. After about 3 weeks of consistently saying "time to get back in your big girl bed" she finally did ok. We were just consistent with her not being in our bed because I already had another baby in our room in a bassinet. So...you're doing right..she will learn, it just has to become habit.
Anyway...so how are you????? I'd love to hear from you.
Mimi, Hey it's Kelly McCarver. I totally understand this situation. Hannah was 22mos almost 23 mos when we put her in her "toddler bed" Caleb was already at home and was 1month old...I thought it's time. We have a little toddler bed that uses the same mattress as a crib...for us I just decided one day..today is the day. I was dreading it, but thought I just have to do it. So we talked it up and said look...baby brother needs this bed when he gets a little bigger so it's time to share now. She was ok with that...but we put one of those child proof things on her door so she couldn't come out of her room. We have a monitor STILL in her room...she would get up sometimes, but she knew she had to stay in her room. After about 3 weeks of consistently saying "time to get back in your big girl bed" she finally did ok. We were just consistent with her not being in our bed because I already had another baby in our room in a bassinet. So...you're doing right..she will learn, it just has to become habit.
Anyway...so how are you????? I'd love to hear from you.
hey mimi,
it's amy freeman...just found your blog. I totally had to do this with walker before laura came and i agree with the consistency and a huge help is the child proof knob to keep them in the room! Walker still bangs on his door to get out in the morning! Sounds like torture, but it really keeps them safe and we still have the monitor too! If they know they can't go anywhere, they quit getting up!
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